Saturday, October 9, 2010


October is my very FAVORITE month out of the year. I'm in love with everything about it; the colors, cooler weather, leaves turning up here in the mountians, halloween, i could go on and on......

(Mr. Jack my very own Halloween Cat)

A month full of HAPPINESS!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Vintage Goodness from Aunt Carolyn

Sadly my Aunt Carolyn's Mother-In-Law Willa Gray has been in a nursing home for several years now, her sons decided to rent out her house. My Aunt knows my LOVE for vintage kitchen stuff and brought over these jewels to me after cleaning out the house. The women renting the house had actually put the apple cake carrier and canisters out in the trash pile!! the cake carrier is a little rusted, but still beautiful to me! she also brought me an apron hand made by Willa Gray, and 4 Fire King green glass mugs. They certainily have a place in my home now and i will treasure them forever. I have to say Mrs. Willa Gray Miller had some great taste back in the day!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

St. Mary's Episcopal Church

Anytime i have a bad day or just feel like i need to be alone to talk with God i stop by St. Mary's, I feel so at peace there.  I just love of old churches, but this one especially holds a special place in my heart. I felt guilty even taken pictures inside, its such a sacred place, but i wanted to share it with others.

I am in love with its beauty, from the fresco's painted by Ben Long, its beautiful greek revival architecture, the very colorful stained glass windows, to my favorite painting the laughing Christ.

I have always said if i am ever blessed to get married, i would get married there.

To find out more about St. Marys or her sister church Holy Trinity out in Glendale Springs click here :

Friday, June 18, 2010

Star of My Own Life

A quote from one of my favorite movies The Holiday

"Your susposed to be the star of your own life, not the best friend"

Why do i always feel like the best friend?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mr. Rooster

Mr. Rooster has set outside by the basement door for like 40 years, my Granny knows i like anything old, i mentioned i liked and and she gifted it to me!!

I took him in the house and cleaned him up. After all that time outdoors i was surprised how well the paint had kept. I just LOVE it, one day he will have home in my kitchen!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Love Letters

I just bought 5 love letter from the 40's i can't wait to get them they will make a perfect addittion to my sailor couples photos i have, i'm thinking i can do something really creative with them.

I told my Granny what i had bought, she told me she wished time after time she had kept the ones from my Grandfather during the WWII, they would truly have been a treasure.

The 40's were such a romantic time, letter writing is sadly becoming a thing of the past.

I only wish i had someone special to write love letters to.

Monday, May 10, 2010

I Love This Song

Feather In the Wind by Mindy Gledhill

Checkout the video Here

Also check out her blog

She has the most beautiful calming voice, i can't wait until payday to buy her album and i read on her blog she has a new album coming in August, i cant wait.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day to All!!!

This is my Granny Levia, Isn't she cute?

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Something New To Check Out

For my sisters baby shower i got some really great ideas from this website, i was drooling over everything in her shop it made me wish i was having the baby.

Check out The Baby Gardner at:

Inspired by the nostalgia of times gone by, our design originals for babies and children bloom from all things vintage.

What makes us unique? Our collection consists of original designs and handcrafted goods by a variety of talented artisans. You'll also find our exclusive line of vintage invitations and birth announcements with charming graphics from the 1940s and 1950s.

(Text and Images from

Friday, April 30, 2010

Bent Wood Rocking Chair

I moved in with my granny several years ago, the wonderful part is no rent, the downside is i have no space to put anything, this is embarassing but here is my room, please excuse the mess!

so when i found this jewel at Goodwill the other day i just could not pass it up, on the other hand i know my granny was like what was she thinking? where is it going to go?

It only needed a dusting! its in perfect condition not a dent, broken spot, repair job on it, and a steal at only $30.00, currenlty its residing in my granny's bedroom until i can afford a place of my own to put things.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Something New to Check Out

I discovered Mary Janes Farm magazine at the grocery store yeasterday, there motto is simple solutions for everday organic, its filled with great receipes and ideas on every page, i wish i had discovered it sooner, you can even join the farm girls sisterhood thats like girl scouts for women and earn merit badges.

Check it out here:

(Images are from

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Re-Purposed Glass Lotion Bottles

I got tired of seeing plastic hand soap containters so i re-purposed some Bath & Body Works glass lotion bottles into soap dispensors. To make the labels i coverd some of my Farm Chicks Labels with clear contact paper, you just have to make sure you get all the bubbles out of the contact paper and make sure the edges are sealed good. They make a good fit in my Granny's country home.

I look just like mom

I finally found my the cord to my camera i was looking through the picutures and found this one from like 2008 that i had never noticed on there, but wow i look just like my mom in the picture and that makes me happy!

Today was Administrative Professionals Day and my co-workers got me a beautiful hanging basket ( its a very lovely shade of pink!) and that also made me feel appreciated and happy!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

In Rememberance of Boots

Boots in her army uniform in India during WWII
(I love the saddle shoes)

Earlier today i was showing my Granny my blog to show her what i have to show for all the "computerizing" as she calls it i have been doing, i showed her the picture of her and her sister Boots and we were looking at other picutres and she wanted me to post her favorites of Boots. Sadly Boots passed away in 2008, at her funeral i asked one of her necies to please copy some of the photos they had at her funeal, i was shocked when i opened the package in the mail, she sent me the actual old photos, as i mentioned in my last post these photos are my most prized possessions. I have to say Boots aka Buleah Louise was a minx!

She was very beautiful look at that tiny waist!

Granny said that Boots and her friend Jenny May would buy cheap cloth to make gathered waist skirts and would pair with a simple store bought white dress shirt.

She also told me how Boots liked more simple colors where as Granny has always liked bright colors (she still rocks tie dyed shirts on occassion!) she said once Boots sent Granny some money to pick out some clothes for her at the store, Granny said she bought boots a gorgous plaid dress and when boots got home she dyed the dress navy blue!

Graduation from nursing school in 1942

Granny said she thought this photo was taken in Calcutta India during WWII

I also learned this morning, that Boots disliked cows and this was not fun for her in India where cows are considered sacred and roam around the freely.

In India during WWII

 Granny said Boots would send her old white nursing uniforms home to there mother and she would dye them for dresses just to wear around the house.